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Thoughtful Adviser & Partner in Content Creation

Let's be real: we've all been content creators since the day we started to write. Writing is part of daily life for most of us, whether the content is a tweet, a poem, a FB update, a whitepaper, a play, an article or even a to-do list. I just happen to have been creating, editing, proofreading, etc. professionally for all of my adult life.

I started out professionally as a travel agent/agency manager, writing articles for the company's newsletter. Then I got my MA and started teaching high school, adult ed, college and summer program courses. Then I became a journalist-- the first FT employee of a local Louisville new media website that should have lasted a lot longer than it did. When that shuttered, I became a PT freelance journalist for many local media outlets, including WFPL, LEO Weekly, Churchill Downs Magazines, and more all while working FT at what can only be called a "content farm"-- and that's a nice way to put it. 

Now I am fully freelance and have been the communications manager (PT) at an Ed Tech company that creates toys for tweens for over a year. I have openings for new clients. 


I hope one of them will be you.





"Do I contradict myself? / Very well then I contradict myself, / (I am large, I contain multitudes.)".

-- Walt Whitman

My name is Melissa. I have lived all over the Eastern U.S. I was born in NH, spent my younger days in MA (where most of my family still lives), teen years in SECT (where my mother and her family still live), college in NYC, Travel Agency manager time in Tampa and Baton Rouge, just shy of a decade in New Orleans teaching, with a brief break in Knoxville and all over Florida (during the evacuation months post-Katrina). Now Louisville, KY, which will likely be my permanent home and is the city where I have lived the longest in my life. Proud to be a Louisvillager (most of the time). 

I have my BA in English (with a shared concentration of Modern Irish Literature and Creative Writing) from Columbia College of Columbia University and an MA (with a shared concentration of Old/Middle English Literature and Creative Non-Fiction) from the University of New Orleans.  I'm also half-way through an MFA from UNO in Creative Non-Fiction, which I had to abandon post-Katrina. Damn Katrina.

I live in the Original Highlands neighborhood of Louisville with my husband of 2.5 years and cat, Josephine, in a house built in 1906. The cat happens to be a better mammal than any of us are.

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