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What's buttering my bread these days? BIDEN/HARRIS WIN!

I'm not partying in the streets-- ew, COVID!

I'm not shimmying in my kitchen.

It's more of slow spread of warmth where muscles I didn't know had been clenched since 2016 are slowly releasing.

I'm not resisting celebration; I just know that we still have a couple of months of malarkey from the Current Occupant to get through before we can start to right this ship.

The most powerful things I have heard today have been the exhale of relief from my LGBTQ+ friends and loved ones, the messages of power and faith from the BIPOC community, the joy of Black women and Asian women who now have a woman who looks like them and their daughters in the second highest office in the country, the feeling of women in general who just saw a few more panes of the glass ceiling shatter.

Mostly, I've stuck to silly shit like this:

And this:

And a little more serious for all of my "Bernie should have won" or "Nothing's gonna change" or "all politicians suck" friends and followers:

There's a tiny "killjoy" in my head to-- not about the incumbents. I'm worried about the American terrorists who may have been pushed too far by this win and decide to take it out on people celebrating or bastions of liberalism or, shit, shoppers or moviegoers or... thank goodness that few children are in schools. I worry about all the misdeeds Trump can commit during these next few months. I do worry that President-Elect Biden will listen to too many of his supporters in government that maybe the Dems should be moving a little closer to the center rather than as far, the eff away from the center as possible.

I worry about strange things, too. I worry we'll continue to call Vice-President Elect Harris "Kamala" because it's a nice sounding name, it's fun to say, oh, and she's a woman. A minority woman. A minority woman who has a first name that sounds vaguely exotic and "other," therefore easier for the white supremacists to vilify. Is that a worry too far?

I won't rest totally easy until Biden and Dr. Biden are peacefully asleep under the covers of their bed in the White House. Dogs at the foot of the bed. I picture President Biden in a nightshirt and nightcap like Ebenezer Scrooge. Jill Biden with a sleep mask.

That's a lovely thought, now isn't it?

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